What are the essential businesses?
Below is a brief list of the essential businesses outlined in the Governor's 'Stay at Home' Executive Order. Hoosiers should stay at home between March 25, 2020-April 7, 2020 unless they work for an essential business or are traveling to an essential business.Please review the entire order especially pages 5-8 of the executive order for more details.
Essential Business
- Essential government operations
- Healthcare and public health operations
- Human services operations
- Essential infrastructure
- Public safety
- Stores that sell groceries and medicine
- Food, beverage and agriculture
- Organizations that provide charitable and social services
- Religious entities
- Media entities
- Gas stations and businesses needed for transportation
- Financial and insurance institutions (banks, credit unions, etc.)
- Hardware and supply stores
- Critical trades (electricians, construction, etc.)
- Mail, post, shipping, logistics, delivery and pickup services
- Educational institutions
- Laundry services
- Restaurants (carryout, drive-thru and delivery only)
- Supplies to work from home
- Supplies for essential business and operations
- Transportation (includes airlines, taxis, ride share companies)
- Home-based care and services
- Residential facilities and shelters
- Professional services (legal services, accounting, etc.)
- Manufacturing, distribution and supply chain for critical products and industries
- Critical labor union functions
- Hotels and motels
- Funeral services