UPDATE - Back on Track Stage 2 Begins on May 4th

UPDATED MAY 5, 2020  5:15PM

With the spike in COVID-19 cases within White County, the City of Monticello released a new Local Disaster Emergency Declaration:  Executive Order No. 20-04 of May 4, 2020.  This order expires at 12:01 Wednesday, May 13th.  The order expands the Governor's Stage 2 Order in two areas: Face Masks and Children Entering Businesses.

  Review a news summary of the executive order here.
  Review the City of Monticello Executive Order Extension here.
  Review the White County Executive Order Extension here.
  Review the Governor's Back on Track Stage 2 document beginning May 4th here.

The following is a summary of the Back on Track Indiana Stage 2 proposal beginning tomorrow, Monday, May 4th with the City/County Executive Order included.

Beginning May 4th

  • People who are 65 and older along with those having high-risk health conditions should stay home.
  • Everyone is encouraged to wear face masks in public.  Residents should also continue to practice social distancing and good hygiene.
  • Social gatherings can be up to 25 people as long as there is social distancing.
  • Essential travel restrictions will be lifted.
  • Remote work encouraged to continue wherever possible.
  • Manufacturers, industrial operations and other infrastructure that has not been open to date - can reopen.
  • Half of BMV branches will reopen Monday with more in the coming weeks - appointment only.
  • Public libraries can reopen according to their own policies and local/CDC guidelines

Beginning May 6th

Beginning May 8th

  • Religious services (statewide – no exceptions) may convene inside places of worship. Updated guidance will be coming.
  • A religious service will need to comply with social distancing - seating spaced apart. It is recommended for people to wear face coverings.
  • Churches will not be subject to the 25 person social gathering limitation.
  • They are encouraged to conduct as many activities as possible virtually and potentially add more services to allow for smaller groups.

Beginning May 11th

  • Personal services like hair salons can reopen by appointment only and with social distancing.
  • Restaurants can reopen at 50 percent capacity. People will need to sit at small tables and not at the bar.

Beginning May 13th

  • City of Monticello Local Disaster Emergency Declaration:  Executive Order No. 20-04 of May 4, 2020 will expire.

The following remains closed during Stage 2

  • K-12 and other educational buildings
  • No visitors to nursing homes or funerals
  • Bars and nightclubs
  • Gyms
  • Community centers
  • Venues including:
    • sport
    • fairs
    • theme parks
    • movie theaters
    • bowling alleys
    • wedding
    • funeral
  • Basketball courts, playgrounds, water parks and swimming pools
  • Campgrounds
  • Adult day cares remain closed through May 31
  • Casinos
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City/County Emergency Declaration Extension - May ...
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